Atlantic Ocean: océano m Atlántico
boat (small): bote m; lancha f
boat (mid-sized): barca f
boat (ship, large vessel): barco m; navío m; nave m
canoe: canoa f; piragua f
captain: capitán -tana m/f
ferry: transbordador m; buque m
kayak: kayak m
maritime: marítimo -ma
motorboat, launch: lancha f
ocean: océano m
Pacific Ocean: océano m Pacífico
port: puerto m
port (left side of boat): babor m
raft: balsa f
row: remar
rowboat: bote m a remos/de remos; chinchorro m
sailor: marinero -ra
sea: mar m
ship: barco m; navío m; nave m
starboard: estribor m
yacht: yate m; velero m
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